Feb 1, 2014

Out of the Box at Honig

 Presentation of the Out of the Box project for Fabricaat at Honig Nijmegen

Jan 26, 2014

Out of the Box voor Fabricaat

Out of the Box voor stiching Fabrikaat op Ugenda. Later meer!



De stamtafel heeft een blad van 3,62 bij 1,25 meter. Het hout komt van een boom die 40 jaar geleden gepland is door m'n vader. 2 jaar geleden is hij geoogst en gezaagd door de stoom-zagerij in Groenlo.
Nu is het hout gedroogd en klaar voor gebruik.  

Jul 12, 2013

Another 12 Bomie's Boom Systems!

Production is scaled up
My woodcarving friends here in Malosa (Malawi) just finished another dozen of wooden acoustic amplifiers!

Apr 23, 2013


Teaching Malawian students how to build small scale wind turbines.


After successfully building a 240 mm diameter wind turbine in my back garden here in Malosa to see if it was possible to build a wind turbine Hugh Piggot style in Malawi, and after running this windmill for about 4 months to find out if it was worth the effort, I am ready for the next step:
Teaching Malawian students how to built and use small scale wind turbines.
 This Month I started teaching at Mikolongwe DAPP Vocational School in Chiradzulu. We plan to construct a 300 mm diameter Hugh Piggot style wind turbine with 22 students from DAPP.  The course will be given in the coming two months as a pilot project.  After this period hopefully making wind turbines  will be part of daily life at Mikolongwe.

Also see I-love-windpower Malawi